75. Rewrite the text. Underline the complex words and insert their singular vowels. Workers This village was called

75. Rewrite the text. Underline the complex words and insert their singular vowels. Workers This village was called Chernolesye. On one side of the village there lived glassblowers. This craft was practiced by their ancestors. On the other side, closer to the river, there lived loggers and floaters. They floated the wood on long rafts down the river to the sea. They learned this craft since childhood. Among the residents there were also bird catchers and snake catchers. This was their trade. There were no idle talkers or slackers in the village.


Эта деревня называлась Черно́лесье. С одной стороны деревни жили стеклодувы. Этим ремеслом занимались их предки. С другой стороны, ближе к реке, жили лесорубы и плотники. Они сплавляли деревья на длинных плотах по реке к морю. Они учились этому ремеслу с детства. Среди жителей были также птицеловы и змееловы. Это была их профессия. В деревне не было болтунов или бездельников.

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