7. What is your opinion of this actor? Have you had the chance to watch any movies featuring Sean Connery? 8

7. What is your opinion of this actor? Have you had the chance to watch any movies featuring Sean Connery?

8. Can you provide information about David Beckham and his claim to fame?

9. Have you ever had the opportunity to witness a football game with Beckham as a player?

10. What knowledge do you possess regarding Robbie Williams? Are you a fan of his music? What is your reasoning behind your preference (or lack thereof)?

11. Could you provide details about who Andrew Lloyd Webber is?

12. What accomplishments can be attributed to Webber?

13. Who is Margaret Thatcher and what information do you have about her?

14. What notable achievements have Thatcher accomplished?

15. Who are the most prominent figures in British history?

16. What contributions did these individuals make to humanity?

17. Can you share your knowledge about British writers? Please provide their names.

18. What are the significant characteristics of British literature?


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