7. Complete the lexical-orthographic preparation. a) Find synonyms for the words to avoid repetition. b) Explain

7. Complete the lexical-orthographic preparation. a) Find synonyms for the words to avoid repetition. b) Explain the spelling of the words. B...tion, r...Dila, tiny (?), (r...3)dala, one...0, la...kami, ...stavila, k...rmili, (za)d...revnyu, ...ni, s...vyeol, (3...) were, ...hotnik, b...zhali, S...baki, h...teli, Zh...votom, (3...)kryl, (p...)nyos, D...moi. kitten - dogs — e...0, (s) s...boy, (na)lu..., c) Remember the spelling of the words. Once, ahead, snatch, drove away


a) Найдите синонимы для слов, чтобы избежать повторения.

b) Объясните правописание слов.

B...tion, r...Дила, маленький (?), (r...3)дала, one...0, ла...ками, ...ставила, к...рмили, (за)д...ревню, ...ни, с...веол, (3...) были, ...хотник, б...жали, С...баки, х...тели, Ж...вотом, (3...)крыл, (п...)нес, Д...мой.

kitten - dogs — e...0, (с) с...бой, (на)лу...,

c) Вспомните правописание слов.

Once, ahead, snatch, drove away.
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