7.6. Please fill in the blanks using the words: check-out, appointment, gather, flight timetables, variation, choices

7.6. Please fill in the blanks using the words: check-out, appointment, gather, flight timetables, variation, choices, planned, travel plans, arrive. — Good morning, how may I assist you? What can I do for you? — Good afternoon, sir. Would it be possible to arrange something on behalf of my boss? — Certainly, madam. Please take a seat. — Well, on Monday the 21st of March, my boss Mr. Taylor needs to be in Paris. At 11 am, he has a meeting with a client. I know it takes about three quarters of an hour to reach the client"s office. > — I understand. So, Mr. Taylor should be in Paris at around 10 am.


11 am, correct?
- That"s right. He needs to arrive in Paris by 11 am.
- Alright, to ensure that Mr. Taylor arrives on time, we have a few options. First, we can check the flight timetables to see if there are any suitable flights on the 21st of March. This would allow Mr. Taylor to travel to Paris quickly and conveniently.
- That sounds like a good idea. Can you gather the flight timetables for that specific day?
- Of course, I will gather the flight timetables for you. While I do that, I would also suggest considering the variation in flight schedules. Different airlines may offer different departure and arrival times, and it"s important to take that into account when planning Mr. Taylor"s travel.
- That"s a valid point. It"s important to have some flexibility in travel plans in case there are any unforeseen circumstances.
- Absolutely. Once we have the flight timetables and take into account the variation, we can then proceed to make an appointment for Mr. Taylor to book his flight. Would you like me to make the appointment for him?
- Yes, please. It would be great if you could handle the booking process too. That would save us a lot of time.
- Alright, I will make the necessary arrangements and book the flight for Mr. Taylor to ensure that he arrives in Paris by 11 am on the 21st of March.
- Thank you so much for your assistance. We really appreciate it.
- You"re welcome! It"s my pleasure to help. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please feel free to ask.
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