6 Choose the appropriate options. ACCIDENT ON A SIGHTSEEING BOAT Last evening, a group of twenty tourists was present

6 Choose the appropriate options. ACCIDENT ON A SIGHTSEEING BOAT Last evening, a group of twenty tourists was present on a boat in the Indian Ocean when it began to take on water. The boat capsized, but a few passengers, including two British women, remained with it throughout the night. Katherine Ostojic, twenty-one years old, and her younger sister Alice, who is nineteen years old, stayed on the section of the boat that was above the water for ten hours. Not encountering any other boats, they made the decision to head towards an island visible on the horizon. However, the island was not as close as they initially estimated, and it took them over eight hours to reach it.


непригодна для поселения. When they arrived, they found that the island was uninhabited and lacked any resources to sustain them. Faced with this situation, Katherine and Alice made the difficult decision to swim back to shore. They swam for approximately six hours before they were discovered and rescued by a passing fishing boat.

Вопрос: What did Katherine and Alice decide to do when they reached the island?

Ответ: Кэтрин и Алиса приняли решение поплыть обратно на берег. Когда они прибыли на остров, они обнаружили, что он необитаем и не имеет достаточных ресурсов для их выживания. Исходя из этой ситуации, Кэтрин и Алиса приняли трудное решение поплыть обратно на берег. Они проплыли примерно шесть часов, пока их не обнаружила и не спасла проходящая рыболовная лодка.
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