6 ACTIVATE Work in pairs. Collaborate and inquire about the weather. Use the provided phrases and the vocabulary from

6 ACTIVATE Work in pairs. Collaborate and inquire about the weather. Use the provided phrases and the vocabulary from exercises 1 and 3. At present, what are the atmospheric conditions? Presently, it is scorching and bright. How is the weather typically during the month of November? Ordinarily, it is chilly and often accompanied by fog.


by rain and strong winds. What are the usual weather patterns in your region during the summer season? During the summer season, it is generally hot and humid with occasional thunderstorms. Inquire about the weather forecast for tomorrow. What is the predicted weather for tomorrow? The weather forecast for tomorrow indicates that it will be partly cloudy with a chance of showers in the afternoon. Discuss the impact of weather on daily activities. How does the weather condition affect our daily activities? The weather condition can greatly impact our daily activities. For example, on a rainy day, we may need to carry an umbrella or wear a raincoat. In extreme weather conditions, such as a blizzard or a heatwave, outdoor activities may be restricted for safety reasons. Explain the concept of climate and its characteristics. Climate refers to the long-term weather pattern of a particular region. It is determined by factors such as temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind patterns, and atmospheric pressure. The characteristics of a climate can include its overall temperature range, the amount and distribution of rainfall, and the presence of distinct seasons. Provide examples of different climate types around the world. Some examples of different climate types include tropical rainforests, characterized by high temperatures and heavy rainfall throughout the year; arid deserts, which have low precipitation and extreme temperature variations; temperate climates, with four distinct seasons and moderate temperatures; and polar climates, characterized by extremely cold temperatures and little precipitation. Inquire about any recent extreme weather events in the world. Can you provide an example of a recent extreme weather event? One example of a recent extreme weather event is the heatwave that occurred in Europe during the summer of 2019. Record-breaking temperatures were recorded in several countries, leading to health concerns, wildfires, and disruptions in daily life.
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