58.3 Fill in the blanks. On certain occasions, you require - s, while on other occasions, you need

58.3 Fill in the blanks. On certain occasions, you require -"s, while on other occasions, you need


- "s. The usage of the possessive apostrophe depends on whether the word following it is singular or plural. When indicating possession for a singular noun, you need to use the apostrophe followed by an "s" ("). For example, "The dog"s toy" indicates that the toy belongs to one dog.
- On the other hand, when indicating possession for a plural noun, where the noun already ends with an "s," you only need to add an apostrophe at the end. For example, "The dogs" toys" indicates that the toys belong to multiple dogs.
- If the plural noun doesn"t end with an "s," you would add both an apostrophe and an "s" ("). For example, "The children"s books" indicates that the books belong to multiple children.
- It"s important to note that the apostrophe is not used to indicate plural forms. For example, if you want to talk about multiple books without indicating possession, you would simply say "The books."
- Therefore, determining whether to use only an apostrophe or apostrophe followed by an "s" when showing possession depends on whether the noun is singular or plural, and whether it already ends with an "s." Remembering these rules will help you use the possessive apostrophe correctly in your writing.
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