5 SW Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the text. CREATE, REPUTATION TEACH, ENGINEERING

5 SW Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the text. CREATE, REPUTATION TEACH, ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY Rudolf Diesel was born in Paris, France in 1858. He is known as the 1. originator of the 2. diesel engine. He acquired his 3. through education in England. A 4. technical expert, and an 5. instructor he was granted a patent on his oil-burning engine in 1892, but the prototypes and experiments were conducted later. In 1913, Diesel fell overboard from a 6. vessel in the English Channel, and drowned. He didn"t live to witness the widespread application of his engine, which is still expanding in 7. importance.


is now an integral part of various industries and transportation systems. Diesel"s 1. creation revolutionized the field of 2. engineering and played a significant role in the advancement of 3. technology.

As an innovative 4. engineer, Diesel recognized the potential of using compression to ignite fuel, thus eliminating the need for spark plugs. This breakthrough led to the development of the 2. diesel engine, which operates on the principle of compression ignition. The engine"s design and efficiency quickly gained a strong 5. reputation within the engineering community.

Diesel"s passion for education also contributed to his success. He had a remarkable ability to 3. teach complex concepts and was highly regarded as an expert in his field. His expertise as an 5. instructor allowed him to share his knowledge with others, inspiring future generations of engineers.

Despite facing initial skepticism and resistance, Diesel persisted in his endeavors and continued to refine his engine. His unwavering dedication resulted in the grant of a patent in 1892. However, it wasn"t until later, after extensive 4. experimentation and the development of practical prototypes, that the full potential of his invention began to be realized.

Tragically, Diesel"s life came to an untimely end in 1913. While traveling on a 6. vessel in the English Channel, he fell overboard and drowned. It is unfortunate that he did not live long enough to witness the widespread adoption and far-reaching impact of his groundbreaking invention.

Today, the 2. diesel engine is widely used in various sectors, including transportation, power generation, and industrial applications. It continues to be an essential component of our modern world, contributing to economic growth and technological advancements. The legacy of Rudolf Diesel lives on, as his 1. creation and contributions to the fields of engineering and technology continue to shape our lives.
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