№ 4. Using the material from the lesson, fill in the blanks with words. In the ancient world, not only physical beauty

№ 4. Using the material from the lesson, fill in the blanks with words. In the ancient world, not only physical beauty, but also spiritual beauty was valued. The Greeks embodied their understanding of ... in poetry, music, and architecture. Heroes whose talents pleased the minds of people were celebrated in myths with their skillfully created beauty. One of them ... . He created many magnificent things: ... . It seems like only gods can do such things! He even fulfilled not just the dream of ancient people about ... This myth teaches us to dream, ...


восприятие красоты, был Дедал, лабиринт для Минотавра, воздушные крылья, летать в небе и достигать невозможного. Этот миф учит нас мечтать.
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