4 Rewrite the sentences by filling in the correct past participle. 1 I have injured my finger with this knife. 2 Aizere

4 Rewrite the sentences by filling in the correct past participle. 1 I have injured my finger with this knife. 2 Aizere has hurt her eye in a fight! 3 Boris has sprained his ankle, but he hasn"t fractured it. 4 Have you burned your skin in the sun? 5 How many players have injured themselves this season? 6 A mosquito has bitten me all over my legs!


1 Моим пальцем я ранился этим ножом.
2 Айзера пострадало ее глаз в драке!
3 Борис подвернул лодыжку, но не сломал ее.
4 Ты обжег свою кожу на солнце?
5 Сколько игроков получили травмы в этом сезоне?
6 Комар укусил меня по всем ногам!
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