4 Reread the text and mark the appropriate answer. 1 What was the cause of the accident on the ship? Hitting a rock

4 Reread the text and mark the appropriate answer. 1 What was the cause of the accident on the ship? Hitting a rock or another boat? 2 Is a league a measure of time or distance? 3 What probably happened to the other men on the boat? Did they lose their way or die? 4 How did Gulliver sleep once he was on land? Well or badly? 5 What did Gulliver first sense - something moving or a noise? 6 Did the creature appear human or not? Underline the correct word. 7 What is the correct spelling for "Барма"?


Задача: 4. Перечитайте текст и отметьте соответствующий ответ.
1. Какова была причина аварии на корабле? Удар о скалу или другое судно?
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