3. Rewrite the sentence with a different predicate. a. There were 41 people in line. There were 44 finches in the cage

3. Rewrite the sentence with a different predicate. a. There were 41 people in line. There were 44 finches in the cage. 44 finches were in the cage. 38 parrots were the heroes of the cartoon. The salary was 1000 rubles before payday. 1401 rubles were sent by mail transfer. 1,000,000 rubles were given under receipt. b. It was either snow or hail yesterday. It was either a birch or an ash tree in the distance. You and your friends are important to us this time as well. Thirst for knowledge, not curiosity, is the priority. Thirst for knowledge, not curiosity, is the priority. Either I or my deputy will definitely attend the meeting.


There were 41 people in line. В очереди находилось 41 человек.

There were 44 finches in the cage. В клетке находилось 44 вьюрка.

44 finches were in the cage. В клетке находилось 44 вьюрка.

38 parrots were the heroes of the cartoon. 38 попугаев были героями мультфильма.

The salary was 1000 rubles before payday. Заработная плата составляла 1000 рублей до дня зарплаты.

1401 rubles were sent by mail transfer. 1401 рублей были отправлены почтовым переводом.

1,000,000 rubles were given under receipt. 1,000,000 рублей были выданы под расписку.

It was either snow or hail yesterday. Вчера либо шел снег, либо град.

It was either a birch or an ash tree in the distance. Вдали либо береза, либо ясень.

You and your friends are important to us this time as well. Вы и ваши друзья очень важны для нас и на этот раз.

Thirst for knowledge, not curiosity, is the priority. Жажда знаний, а не любопытство, является приоритетом.

Either I or my sister will be attending the event. Либо я, либо моя сестра будет присутствовать на мероприятии.
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