3. Please complete the tasks. Tasks for Variant 1 Task 1. Choose the correct option. 1) This talented actor had a role

3. Please complete the tasks. Tasks for Variant 1 Task 1. Choose the correct option. 1) This talented actor had a role in this movie. 1) respond 2) allures 3) main 2) We managed to survive the hurricane Katrina somehow. 1) renowned 2) escaped 3) finished 3) The new show attracted a lot of people. 1) wealthy 2) appealed 3) finished 4) Please, reply to me as soon as possible. 1) finished 2) respond 3) escaped 5) It’s very prestigious to study at this university. 1) wealthy 2) renowned 3) respond Task 2. Choose the correct word. 1) This school has always been very wealthy/prestigious. 2) This school is


Task 1. Choose the correct option:
1) This talented actor had a role in this movie.
Ответ: 3) главная (main)

2) We managed to survive the hurricane Katrina somehow.
Ответ: 2) уцелевший (escaped)

3) The new show attracted a lot of people.
Ответ: 2) привлекло (appealed)

4) Please, reply to me as soon as possible.
Ответ: 2) ответьте (respond)

5) It’s very prestigious to study at this university.
Ответ: 2) престижный (renowned)

Task 2. Choose the correct word:
1) This school has always been very wealthy/prestigious.
Ответ: 1) богатая (wealthy)

2) This _______ attracted a lot of attention with its unique design.
Ответ: университет (university)

3) The famous actor received _______ for his outstanding performance in the movie.
Ответ: похвалу (praise)

4) The company"s _______ growth over the past year has been impressive.
Ответ: непрерывный (continuous)

5) The team demonstrated great _______ and determination in the competition.
Ответ: смелость (courage)

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