28. What did Lucy complain about regarding her friends attention to her? a) How were her friends paying b) How

28. What did Lucy complain about regarding her friends" attention to her? a) How were her friends paying b) How did her friends pay c) How had her friends been paid d) How will her friends pay
29. What did I wonder about the number of people who attended the parents" meeting the day before? a) How many people would come b) How many people had come c) How many people came d) How many people will come
30. What did they explain to us about the Local History museum on that particular day? a) How the museum was closed b) How the museum was being closed c) How the museum had been closed d) How the museum will be closed


On question 28, regarding Lucy"s complaint about her friends" attention to her, the correct answer is a) How were her friends paying attention to her?

Lucy is expressing her concern or dissatisfaction with the way her friends were paying attention to her. The verb "complain" suggests that Lucy is not happy with the situation and is expressing her discontent. By using the question "How were her friends paying attention to her?", Lucy is asking about the manner or way in which her friends were giving her attention.

On question 29, if you wondered about the number of people who attended the parents" meeting the day before, the correct answer is c) How many people came to the meeting?

By using the phrase "the day before", it indicates that the parents" meeting has already taken place. When you wonder about something in the past, you typically use the simple past tense. Using the question "How many people came to the meeting?", you are asking about the specific number of people that attended the meeting in the past.

On question 30, if someone explained something to us about the Local History museum on a particular day, the correct answer is b) How the museum was being closed?

By using the verb "explain", it suggests that someone provided information or clarification about the state of the museum. The phrase "on that particular day" indicates a specific time frame. Using the question "How the museum was being closed?", you are asking about the process or state of closure that was happening at that time.

I hope these explanations provide a clear understanding of the correct answers and help you in your learning journey.
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