25.02. Review of the topic Parenthetical sentence parts Task! Copy the sentences, insert the missing letters

25.02. Review of the topic "Parenthetical sentence parts" Task! Copy the sentences, insert the missing letters and punctuation marks, and open the brackets. Graphically highlight the parenthetical sentence parts (by; until). The spring evening 1) The street, which was clean and still damp from the recently melted snow, was empty. It was beautiful with a restrained (not) heavy beauty. 2) The large white houses with ornamental decorations on the cornices and in the spaces between the windows were painted in a delicately pinkish shade by the vernal rays of the setting sun, looking focused and important in the divine light. 3) The fallen snow washed away the dust from them.


на блюдящие лучи 3) In the distance, behind the tall poplar trees, a glowing orange strip of sunset was visible. The air was filled with a pleasant springtime aroma of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass. 4) It was a moment of serenity, a moment that seemed to last forever. The tranquility of the evening was interrupted by the sound of birds chirping and the distant noise of cars passing by. 5) The sound of laughter and children playing in the nearby park added to the joyous atmosphere. The city was alive with the energy of spring. 6) Everyone seemed to be enjoying the warmth and beauty of the season, as if it was a long-awaited gift after a cold and dreary winter. 7) As the sun slowly set, casting a warm glow over the landscape, the city transformed into a magical place filled with endless possibilities.
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