2. Rewrite the sentences with the correct compound nouns. 1. Miss Marple was an old lady. 2. You should be more

2. Rewrite the sentences with the correct compound nouns.
1. Miss Marple was an old lady.
2. You should be more diligent or you"ll never pass your exams.
3. It"s not surprising that she works as a model - she is so beautiful.
4. I haven"t seen this house before, is it newly built?
5. School friendship can be a very meaningful thing.

3. Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. If I am not busy, I will visit her.
2. If he were attentive, he wouldn"t break things.
3. If he had had trainers, he would have played football.
4. If you had free time, you would go sandboarding.
5. If you don"t give me more time, I cannot.


Sure! Here are the rewritten sentences with the correct compound nouns:

1. Miss Marple was an old lady.
- Miss Marple was an old-lady.
- Панна Марпл была старушкой.

2. You should be more diligent or you"ll never pass your exams.
- You should be more exam-diligent or you"ll never pass your exams.
- Ты должен быть более старательным по экзаменам, иначе ты никогда не сдашь их.

3. It"s not surprising that she works as a model - she is so beautiful.
- It"s not surprising that she works as a model - she is so beauty-beautiful.
- Не удивительно, что она работает моделью - она такая красивая.

4. I haven"t seen this house before, is it newly built?
- I haven"t seen this house before, is it build-newly?
- Я раньше не видел этого дома, он недавно построенный?

5. School friendship can be a very meaningful thing.
- School friendship can be a very thing-meaningful.
- Школьная дружба может быть очень смысловой вещью.

Now let"s move to the next task. You need to complete the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. If I am not busy, I will visit her.
- Если я не буду занят, я посещу ее.

2. If he were attentive, he wouldn"t break things.
- Если бы он был внимательным, он бы не ломал вещи.

3. If he had had trainers, he would have played football.
- Если бы у него были кроссовки, он бы играл в футбол.

4. If you had free time, you would...
- Если у тебя было бы свободное время, ты бы ... (Please provide the context or the missing verb, so I can give a complete answer)

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