2. Reveal the parentheses and put the verb in one of the passive voice forms. Pay attention to the context

2. Reveal the parentheses and put the verb in one of the passive voice forms. Pay attention to the context and translation to understand which tense form is meant. 1. The island was discovered in 1878. 2. This problem will be solved someday. 3. The contract that was given to me has already been signed by the branch manager. 4. Your statement can be questioned. 5. The dog was left in the car by its owner about...


1. Остров был обнаружен в 1878 году.
2. Эта проблема будет решена когда-нибудь.
3. Контракт, который был вручен мне, уже был подписан директором отделения.
4. Ваше заявление может быть оспорено.
5. Собака была оставлена в машине своим владельцем примерно
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