16. Provide the correct verb forms. A 1. Could we find seats in a first-class compartment? 2. Was Fred usually

16. Provide the correct verb forms. A 1. Could we find seats in a first-class compartment? 2. Was Fred usually traveling second-class? 3. If I went by the 10 o"clock train, would I have to change? 4. Did he know when the train was going to start? 5. Had the 2 o"clock train already left and had we decided to go by the next train? 6. Was it an overnight train and I didn"t know? 7. Was our friend able to come to the station on time? 8. Did I think I wouldn"t be able to get to the station in 30 minutes?


Конечно! Вот правильные формы глаголов для каждого предложения:

1. Could we find seats in a first-class compartment? (Могли бы мы найти места в купе первого класса?)
2. Was Fred usually traveling second-class? (Фред обычно путешествовал вторым классом?)
3. If I went by the 10 o"clock train, would I have to change? (Если я поеду на поезде в 10 часов, мне нужно будет пересаживаться?)
4. Did he know when the train was going to start? (Он знал, когда поезд собирался отправиться?)
5. Had the 2 o"clock train already left, and had we decided to go by the next train? (Уже ушел поезд в 2 часа, и мы решили поехать следующим поездом?)
6. Was it an overnight train, and I didn"t know? (Это был ночной поезд, и я не знал?)
7. Was our friend able to come to the station on time? (Наш друг смог прийти на станцию вовремя?)
8. Did I think I wouldn"t be able to get to the station in 30 minutes? (Я подумал, что не смогу добраться до станции за 30 минут?)

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