1. Why isn t Steve going to play football on Saturday? 2. When are we going to have a party? 3. Why aren t I going

1. Why isn"t Steve going to play football on Saturday?
2. When are we going to have a party?
3. Why aren"t I going to work tomorrow?
4. What"s the purpose of my visit now?
5. At what time are you planning to go out this evening?
6. Why isn"t Laura coming to the party tomorrow?
7. When am I going to visit New York?
8. Why can"t Ben meet us on Monday?


1. Steve isn"t going to play football on Saturday because he injured his leg during practice yesterday. This injury makes it difficult and potentially dangerous for Steve to participate in physical activities like football. Therefore, for his own safety and to allow his leg time to heal, Steve will have to skip the football game on Saturday.

2. We are going to have a party on Friday evening to celebrate the end of the school year. Parties are usually organized as a way to bring people together for enjoyment and socializing. This specific party is scheduled for Friday because it is the last day of the school week and provides an opportunity for everyone to relax and have fun after a long week of studying and hard work.

3. You aren"t going to work tomorrow because it is a public holiday. Public holidays are special days that are recognized by the government and are typically non-working days for most employees. They are meant to give people a break from their regular work routine and allow them to spend time with family, relax, or engage in leisure activities.

4. The purpose of your visit now is to meet with your teacher and discuss your progress in the subject. When you visit your teacher, it provides an opportunity to receive feedback, clarify any doubts or questions you may have, and understand how you can improve your performance. Such visits are crucial for academic growth and personal development.

5. You are planning to go out this evening at around 7:00 PM. The specific timing can vary depending on your personal schedule or any prior engagements you may have. Going out in the evening allows you to enjoy the cooler weather and engage in activities such as meeting friends, going to a restaurant, or attending an event. It is essential to plan your time effectively to ensure you don"t miss out on any important commitments or responsibilities.

6. Laura isn"t coming to the party tomorrow because she has a family event to attend. Family events are important occasions where relatives and family members come together to celebrate or commemorate special moments. These events can include weddings, birthdays, or anniversaries. In Laura"s case, she is unable to attend the party due to her commitment to her family event.

7. You are going to visit New York during the summer vacation. The exact date can vary depending on your personal plans or any travel arrangements you have made. Visiting New York provides an opportunity to explore the city"s iconic landmarks, experience its vibrant culture, and create lasting memories. Make sure to plan your visit well in advance to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip.

8. Ben can"t meet us on Monday because he has a doctor"s appointment. Doctor"s appointments are necessary to monitor one"s health and address any medical concerns. It is crucial to prioritize health and attend medical appointments, as they play a significant role in maintaining overall well-being. Therefore, we will need to reschedule our meeting with Ben to another suitable day.
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