1. Which sentence is correctly constructed? A. Seeing his friends, he felt joy. B. When going to the country house

1. Which sentence is correctly constructed? A. Seeing his friends, he felt joy. B. When going to the country house, I have to work a lot there. C. After examining the patient, the doctor gives treatment recommendations. D. The wind knocked me off my feet, swinging the trees.

2. In which sentence is a grammatical mistake made? A. After watching the movie "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors," I felt a desire to read the novel of the same name by M. Kotsiubynsky. B. As you grow older, you will seek to understand and comprehend the world around you. C. Having decided to find out everything, friends


1. Correct sentence: A. Seeing his friends, he felt joy.
Обоснование: В данном предложении присутствует герундий (Seeing) в функции обстоятельства времени, который правильно использован. Также, порядок слов в предложении является логичным и понятным.

2. Составлено предложение с грамматической ошибкой: C. Having decided to find out everything, friends.
Обоснование: В данном предложении присутствует ошибка в использовании вскрытого причастия (Having decided) без указания подлежащего. Необходимо указать подлежащего, чтобы предложение было грамматически правильным.
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