1. Where is our sales conference usually held, and where is it being held this year? 2. What is our current approach

1. Where is our sales conference usually held, and where is it being held this year?
2. What is our current approach to using sales representatives, and what is our general practice regarding agents in Japan?
3. How long does it typically take us to develop a new product?
4. How often do we increase our prices by more than 5%, and what is the extent of the increase this time?
5. Who typically handles important customers in our organization?
6. What is our usual approach to recruitment, and how are we handling it this time?
7. What is our temporary arrangement for office space, and when will our new headquarters be ready?
8. What is the company"s goal for sales performance this year?


1. Обычно наша конференция по продажам проводится в отеле "ABC", который находится в центре города. В этом году она будет проводиться в новом конференц-центре "XYZ", который расположен на окраине города. Мы приняли решение о смене места проведения конференции, так как новый конференц-центр предоставляет большие и современные помещения, что позволит нам комфортно разместить всех участников.

2. Our current approach to using sales representatives is to assign them specific territories and target markets to focus on. We believe that this specialization allows our representatives to develop deep knowledge and expertise in their assigned areas. As for our general practice regarding agents in Japan, we have a close partnership with a local sales agency called "Japan Sales Agency". This agency helps us navigate the unique business practices and cultural nuances of the Japanese market.

3. The time required to develop a new product can vary depending on its complexity and scope. Typically, it takes us around 12 to 18 months to develop a new product from the initial concept stage to the final production-ready version. This includes conducting market research, designing prototypes, performing testing and iterations, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. However, it"s important to note that the development timeline can be influenced by various factors such as resource availability, technological challenges, and regulatory requirements.

4. We rarely increase our prices by more than 5% unless there are significant changes in production costs or market conditions that justify such an increase. Up to this point, our price increases have been generally conservative, ranging from 1% to 3% annually. However, due to recent inflationary pressures and rising raw material costs, we have decided to implement a price increase of 7% starting from next month. This decision was made after careful consideration of market trends, competitor pricing, and the need to maintain profitability while ensuring customer satisfaction.

5. Important customers in our organization are typically handled by our Key Account Management team. This team is composed of experienced sales professionals who are dedicated to managing relationships with our most valuable and strategic clients. Their role is to understand the specific needs and requirements of these customers, provide tailored solutions, and ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty. This approach allows us to prioritize the individual needs of our key customers and provide them with a high level of personalized service.

6. Our usual approach to recruitment involves a combination of internal promotions, employee referrals, and external hiring. We believe in nurturing talent from within the organization and providing growth opportunities for our employees. However, for this particular recruitment cycle, we are focusing more on external hiring to bring fresh perspectives and new skills to our team. We have partnered with recruitment agencies and are actively sourcing candidates from various channels, including online job portals, career fairs, and professional networks.

7. Our temporary arrangement for office space is due to the ongoing renovation of our main office building. While the renovation is taking place, we have secured a temporary office space in a nearby business center. The temporary office is fully equipped with all the necessary amenities and has been configured to meet our specific needs. The renovation is expected to be completed in six months, and we are planning to move back to our renovated office by the end of next year. This temporary arrangement ensures minimal disruption to our daily operations and allows us to continue serving our customers without any major interruptions.
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