1) What was Amy s motivation for developing agoraphobia? A) In an attempt to alleviate her panic attacks. B) With

1) What was Amy"s motivation for developing agoraphobia?
A) In an attempt to alleviate her panic attacks.
B) With the belief that staying at home would prevent any negative occurrences.
C) Due to her aversion to social interactions.
D) Because of her physical ailment preventing her from leaving her house.

2) Why did Amy"s friends cease contacting her?
A) As a result of her continuous deception.
B) Due to their perception of her as uninteresting.
C) Because she failed to provide an explanation for her withdrawal from social activities.
D) Because she was constantly miserable.

3) What prompted Amy"s decision to venture outside?
A) She had a necessity to fulfill.


1) Amy"s motivation for developing agoraphobia was: A) In an attempt to alleviate her panic attacks.

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by the fear of situations or places where escape might be difficult or embarrassing. People with agoraphobia often avoid situations that they believe could trigger a panic attack. In Amy"s case, she experienced panic attacks, which are sudden and intense feelings of fear and anxiety, making her want to avoid situations that could potentially cause panic attacks. By developing agoraphobia and staying at home, Amy believed that she could prevent any negative occurrences or panic attacks, which motivated her to develop this condition.

2) Amy"s friends ceased contacting her because: C) She failed to provide an explanation for her withdrawal from social activities.

Amy"s withdrawal from social activities without providing any explanation would have caused confusion and concern among her friends. They would likely have been worried about her well-being and may have tried to reach out to offer support or understand her situation. However, when Amy failed to provide an explanation for her sudden withdrawal, her friends might have felt frustrated or hurt, leading them to cease contacting her. Communication and understanding are essential in maintaining relationships, and the lack of explanation from Amy caused a breakdown in her friendships.

3) The prompt for Amy"s fear of leaving her house could be multiple factors, but without further information, it is difficult to determine a specific answer. Please provide more context or information related to the situation, and I"ll be happy to help you analyze it.
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