1. What is a proverb? 1. A brief wise saying that contains a complete thought; 2. A brief allegorical story

1. What is a proverb? 1. A brief wise saying that contains a complete thought; 2. A brief allegorical story of an instructive nature; 3. Expressing mockery.
2. Name the Russian fable writer: 1. M.V. Lomonosov 2. V.A. Zhukovsky 3. I.I. Dmitriev 4. A.P. Platonov
3. What is the theme of Anton Chekhov"s story "The Fat and the Thin"? 1. Meeting of classmates 2. Inequality among people 3. At
4. Name a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov: 1. "Winter Morning" 2. "Prisoner" 3. "To I.I. Puskhin" 4. "Three Palms"
5. From the perspective of which character is the narration in "The Hunter"s Notes" conducted? 1. From the perspective of


1. A proverb is a brief wise saying that contains a complete thought (1). Proverbs are often used to convey moral or practical advice in a concise and memorable way. They are passed down through generations and reflect the wisdom and experience of a particular culture or society.

2. The Russian fable writer is Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriev (3). He is known for his collection of fables, which were written in the early 19th century. Dmitriev"s fables usually feature animal characters and convey moral lessons or satirical commentary on social issues.

3. The theme of Anton Chekhov"s story "The Fat and the Thin" is inequality among people (2). The story explores the stark contrast between the wealthy and privileged and the poor and marginalized in Russian society. Chekhov portrays the harsh realities faced by those who are not part of the elite class and raises questions about social justice and fairness.

4. The poem by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov is called "Three Palms" (4). It is a romantic poem that reflects Lermontov"s fascination with the beauty of nature. The poem describes a mesmerizing night scene where three palm trees stand tall and evoke feelings of awe and tranquility in the narrator.

5. "The Hunter"s Notes" is narrated from the perspective of the main character, the hunter himself (1). The story written by Ivan Turgenev follows the hunter"s experiences and encounters in the Russian countryside. The first-person narration allows readers to delve into the hunter"s thoughts, observations, and emotions as he navigates through the natural world.
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