1. What does science deal with? - Facts and the relationship among these facts, doesn t it? 2. When does a theory

1. What does science deal with? - Facts and the relationship among these facts, doesn"t it?
2. When does a theory become a part of scientific knowledge? - Yes, it does become a part of scientific knowledge, doesn"t it?
3. What does science attempt to explain? - How and why things happen, doesn"t it?
4. What makes things happen? - Technology, doesn"t it?
5. What aspects of people"s lives does technology influence? - Different aspects of people"s lives, doesn"t it?


Science is a field of study that deals with facts and the relationships among these facts. It explores the natural world and aims to understand various phenomena through observation, experimentation, and analysis. Scientists collect data and use it to form theories or explanations for the observed phenomena. These theories are based on evidence and are subject to further testing and scrutiny.

When a theory becomes a part of scientific knowledge, it means that it has undergone extensive testing, and the evidence supports its validity. It is accepted by the scientific community as a reliable explanation for a particular phenomenon. However, scientific knowledge is always subject to revision and refinement as new evidence emerges.

Science attempts to explain how and why things happen in the natural world. It seeks to understand the underlying principles and mechanisms that govern various phenomena. Through scientific inquiry, scientists investigate the causes and effects of events, and they strive to uncover the fundamental laws that govern the universe.

While technology is often associated with science, it is not the primary driver of scientific discoveries. Technology refers to the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It utilizes our understanding of science to design and create useful tools, machines, and systems. Technology can indeed influence various aspects of people"s lives, such as communication, transportation, healthcare, and entertainment. It improves efficiency, convenience, and our overall quality of life. However, it is important to note that technology is a product of scientific knowledge and innovation, rather than the driving force behind scientific inquiry.

To summarize, science deals with facts and their relationships, aims to explain how and why things happen, and is supported by evidence-based theories. Technology, on the other hand, applies scientific knowledge to create practical solutions and can impact various aspects of people"s lives.
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