1. What did Tim hear and see in the doorway? a) The floor boards creaked and a woman appeared. b) The floor boards made

1. What did Tim hear and see in the doorway?
a) The floor boards creaked and a woman appeared.
b) The floor boards made a creaking sound and a woman appeared.
c) The floor boards were creaking and a woman appeared.

2. Why didn"t anyone notice Jimmy in the crowded room?
a) The room was very crowded, so he left unnoticed.
b) The room was very crowded, so he decided to leave unnoticed.
c) The room was very crowded, so he left without being noticed.

3. What did we expect them to do in the ballroom dancing championships?
a) We expected them to take part.
b) We expected that they would take part.
c) We expected their participation.

4. What did Olaf do with the play he had written?
a) Olaf wanted to stage it at the local theatre.
b) Olaf wished for it to be staged at the local theatre.
c) Olaf desired its staging at the local theatre.

5. What did Jill enjoy doing with her little son at their family gatherings?
a) Jill liked reciting poems with her little son.
b) Jill enjoyed the recitation of poems by her little son.
c) Jill found pleasure in her little son"s poem recitations at their family gatherings.


1. Tim heard the creaking of the floor boards and saw a woman appear in the doorway. (b) - Подсказка находится в фразе "The floor boards made a creaking sound", что означает, что доски под полом скрипели, а не просто находились в состоянии скрипеть, а также "a woman appeared", указывает на то, что женщина появилась.

2. Jimmy wasn"t noticed in the crowded room because it was very crowded, so he left without being noticed. (c) - В фразе "The room was very crowded" указывается причина, по которой никто не заметил Джимми, а также фраза "he left without being noticed" указывает на то, что он ушел, не вызвав внимания.

3. We expected them to take part in the ballroom dancing championships. (a) - Речь идет о наших ожиданиях относительно их участия в чемпионате по бальным танцам. Фраза "We expected them to take part" означает, что мы ожидали их участия.
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