1. The way to the metro station was shown to me by a passer-by. 2. The kids will be looked after very well by this

1. The way to the metro station was shown to me by a passer-by.
2. The kids will be looked after very well by this babysitter, so don"t worry!
3. The lecture was attentively listened to by everybody.
4. Wedding invitations were sent to us last week.
5. A day-off was offered to me by my boss.
6. A lot of instructions were given to the secretary by the manager.
7. A good decorator was recommended to me by my friends.
8. A few bad words were taught to my little son by some children.
9. Everybody was asked by the chief not to be late.
10. The boy was promised a new bike by his father.
11. That event is spoken about a lot by people.


1. Добрый прохожий показал мне путь к станции метро.
2. Этим нянечкам очень хорошо ухаживают, так что не волнуйтесь!
3. Лекцию внимательно слушали все.
4. Свадебные приглашения были отправлены нам на прошлой неделе.
5. Мой начальник предложил мне выходной день.
6. Менеджер дал много инструкций секретарше.
7. Моим друзьям рекомендовали хорошего декоратора.
8. Некоторые дети научили моего сына нескольким плохим словам.
9. Глава попросил всех не опаздывать.
10. Отец пообещал мальчику новый велосипед.
11. That
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