1. The train is scheduled to arrive at 10.30. 2. It s always a risk to start up a new business. 3. The government

1. The train is scheduled to arrive at 10.30.
2. It"s always a risk to start up a new business.
3. The government intends to reduce taxes to encourage the economy.
4. People are concerned about inflation eroding their savings and investments.
5. The government is investing millions of dollars in its anti-drug abuse campaign.
6. The recession has resulted in numerous small businesses going bankrupt.
7. Police have alerted the public about a significant number of counterfeit £50 notes in circulation.
8. The bank intends to decrease/increase interest rates.


1. The train is expected to reach its destination at 10.30. This means that it is planned to arrive at that specific time. The train"s schedule has been set in advance to ensure that it arrives at the designated station at the specified time.

2. Starting a new business always carries a certain degree of risk. When someone decides to establish a new business, they face uncertainties and potential challenges. These risks can include financial losses, competition, market demand, and other factors that may affect the success or failure of the business. Therefore, it is important for entrepreneurs to carefully consider and evaluate these risks before venturing into a new business.

3. The government has expressed its intention to decrease the amount of taxes that individuals and businesses are required to pay. By reducing taxes, the government aims to stimulate economic activity and encourage growth. When taxes are lowered, individuals and businesses have more money available to spend, invest, or save, which can have a positive impact on the overall economy.

4. Inflation refers to the general increase in prices of goods and services over time. This means that the same amount of money can buy fewer goods or services in the future. As a result, people may be worried that their savings and investments will lose value due to the erosion caused by inflation. If the rate of inflation is higher than the interest earned on savings or investments, the purchasing power of money can decrease over time.

5. The government has decided to allocate a significant amount of money, in the millions of dollars, towards an anti-drug abuse campaign. This campaign aims to combat drug abuse by implementing various measures such as education, prevention programs, law enforcement, and rehabilitation efforts. By investing in this campaign, the government demonstrates its commitment to addressing the issue of drug abuse and its effects on society.

6. The current economic recession has resulted in the closure of many small businesses. Due to the unfavorable economic conditions, such as decreased consumer spending, reduced demand for products or services, and financial difficulties, these businesses are unable to sustain their operations. As a result, they are forced to declare bankruptcy, meaning that they are unable to pay their debts and continue operating.

7. The police have issued a warning to the public regarding a significant number of counterfeit £50 notes in circulation. Counterfeit money refers to fake currency that is produced and used illegally. The police are alerting the public to be cautious when handling £50 notes and to report any suspicious activity. Counterfeit money can have serious consequences for individuals, businesses, and the economy as a whole, as it undermines the integrity of the currency and can lead to financial losses.

8. The bank has expressed its intention to either decrease or increase interest rates. Interest rates refer to the cost of borrowing money or the return on investment. If the bank decides to decrease interest rates, it means that borrowing money will become cheaper, which can stimulate borrowing and spending. On the other hand, if the bank intends to increase interest rates, borrowing money will become more expensive, which can discourage borrowing and incentivize saving. The bank"s decision to adjust interest rates is often influenced by various economic factors and aims to achieve certain monetary policy objectives.
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