1. The new toys were bought by Ann. 2. A new CD was given to me by Boris yesterday. 3. Five tickets for the concert

1. The new toys were bought by Ann.
2. A new CD was given to me by Boris yesterday.
3. Five tickets for the concert will be brought to us by Kelly.
4. Our mistakes are being corrected by the teacher now.
5. Interesting stories are often told to friends by Mark.
6. A new computer game has just been invented by John.
7. The windows are being cleaned by someone.
8. A lot of money is spent on food by people.
9. The new sports center will be opened soon by them.
10. Some holiday pictures were shown to me by Liz.
11. Jam is made from fruit by people.
12. The grass hasn"t been cut yet by Clive.
13. The car may not be repaired this week by them.
14. Who was the car broken by?


1. Новые игрушки были куплены Анной.
2. Вчера мне был подарен новый компакт-диск Борисом.
3. Пять билетов на концерт нам принесет Келли.
4. Преподаватель сейчас исправляет наши ошибки.
5. Марк часто рассказывает интересные истории друзьям.
6. Новая компьютерная игра только что была изобретена Джоном.
7. Окна чистит кто-то другой.
8. Люди тратят много денег на еду.
9. Скоро новый спортивный центр будет открыт ими.
10. Мне были показаны некоторые праздничные фотографии Лиз.
11. Варенье делается из фруктов людьми.
12. Трава еще не была подстрижена Клайвом.
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