№ 1. The Indian tale of the tiger Once upon a time, a man walking down the road came across an iron cage in which

№ 1. "The Indian tale of the tiger" "Once upon a time, a man walking down the road came across an iron cage in which a tiger caught by the villagers was locked up. The tiger appealed to the man: "Brother, release me from the cage, I am dying of thirst." "No," said the man. "If I release you, you will eat me." "I swear, I won"t eat you, I won"t be so ungrateful," the tiger replied. The man took pity on him and released the tiger. The tiger bared his teeth and said, "First, I will eat you, and then I will drink water." "Don"t kill me so quickly," the man shouted. "Let"s ask the wise judge"s opinion first, and then I am ready to die." The judge said


The story "The Indian tale of the tiger" tells us about a man who comes across an iron cage in which a tiger is locked up. The man is warned by the tiger that he is dying of thirst and asks to be released. However, the man is cautious and refuses, fearing that the tiger will eat him.

The tiger tries to convince the man by swearing that he won"t eat him and promises to be grateful for his help. Moved by pity, the man decides to release the tiger from the cage. However, as soon as the tiger is free, he shows his true nature and threatens to eat the man first before quenching his thirst.

Realizing the danger he"s in, the man shouts at the tiger and pleads for his life, asking for some more time. He suggests seeking the advice of a wise judge before any harm befalls him.

The story doesn"t provide us with the conclusion or the judgment of the wise judge, leaving it open-ended for interpretation and discussion. It raises the question of trust and the consequences of our actions, highlighting the importance of being cautious and not easily believing promises that might be empty.

This story serves as a lesson that sometimes trusting someone or something blindly can lead to negative consequences. It encourages critical thinking and awareness of our surroundings before making decisions.

Overall, "The Indian tale of the tiger" teaches us to not be deceived by appearances and to take into consideration the motives of others before blindly trusting them.
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