1) The companions of Mr. Pickwick were rising. 2) They were eagerly awaiting him. 3) They were beginning breakfast

1) The companions of Mr. Pickwick were rising.
2) They were eagerly awaiting him.
3) They were beginning breakfast.
4) They sat down to the meal.
5) The ham, eggs, tea, and coffee were quickly disappearing.
6) They started to disappear rapidly.
7) Mr. Pickwick was wondering how they would reach Manor Farm.
8) Mr. Pickwick was considering what to do.
9) It was suggested that they ask the waiter.
10) Mr. Tupman said they should ask the waiter.
11) The waiter was sent for.
12) The waiter advised them to drive to the farm in a four-wheel carriage.
13) The waiter recommended that they take a four-wheel carriage to the farm.
14) The problem was that the carriage could only hold up to three people.
15) It could not accommodate more than three people.
16) They wondered what they should do.
17) They were unsure about what action to take.
18) If there wasn"t enough room for all of them, what should they do?


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14) After hearing the waiter"s suggestion, Mr. Pickwick agreed that renting a four-wheel carriage would be a good idea.
15) Mr. Pickwick decided to follow the waiter"s advice and instructed his companions to prepare for the journey.
16) The companions quickly finished their breakfast and went outside to look for a carriage.
17) They found a carriage rental service nearby and inquired about the availability of a four-wheel carriage.
18) Fortunately, there was a suitable carriage available, and they immediately rented it for their trip to Manor Farm.
19) They all climbed into the carriage and settled comfortably as the driver started their journey.
20) Along the way, Mr. Pickwick and his companions admired the beautiful countryside and engaged in conversation, eagerly anticipating their arrival at Manor Farm.

Приложение: Обоснование

Данный текст является адаптированным отрывком из произведения Чарльза Диккенса "Пиквикский клуб". В нем описывается ситуация, когда герои, сопровождающие мистера Пиквика, поднимаются и начинают завтракать, ожидая его прихода. Затем они задумываются, как они достигнут фермы Манор. В итоге, официант рекомендует им арендовать четырехколесную карету для поездки на ферму.

Последовательное описание каждого действия позволяет понять хронологию происходящего и позволяет школьнику легче восстановить смысл ситуации. Весь текст написан в простом и понятном стиле, чтобы ученик легко разбирался в происходящем.
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