1 Rico: I can t swim very well, I m afraid. Noah: Actually, I can t swim well either. (+) 2 Pauline: I m going

1 Rico: I can"t swim very well, I"m afraid. Noah: Actually, I can"t swim well either. (+)
2 Pauline: I"m going to the cup final on Sunday. Lucas: Oh, me too. (+)
3 Alba: I have never played volleyball. Rosie: Don"t worry, Jamie and George neither. (-)
4 Krysta: Oh, no. I didn"t bring any tennis balls with me. Johanna: What? Me neither. (-)
5 Ayleen: Heather loves watching Kyle play football. Lynn: I agree. I think he"s wonderful. (+)


Rico said that he can"t swim very well and expressed his fear. Noah responded by saying that he also can"t swim well. Both Rico and Noah admitted that they are not good at swimming.

Pauline mentioned that she will be going to the cup final on Sunday. Lucas responded by saying that he will also be going to the cup final. Both Pauline and Lucas expressed their excitement about attending the cup final.

Alba stated that she has never played volleyball before. Rosie reassured Alba by saying that neither Jamie nor George have ever played volleyball either. Alba doesn"t need to worry because there are other people who also have no experience playing volleyball.

Krysta realized that she forgot to bring any tennis balls with her. Johanna responded by expressing surprise and saying that she also forgot to bring tennis balls. Both Krysta and Johanna realized that they made the same mistake of not bringing tennis balls.

Ayleen mentioned that Heather loves watching Kyle play football. Lynn agreed with Ayleen and expressed her admiration for Kyle"s football skills. Both Ayleen and Lynn share the opinion that Kyle is wonderful at playing football.
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