1. Rewrite the bibliographic entries for the books, following the order of fields and using the necessary punctuation

1. Rewrite the bibliographic entries for the books, following the order of fields and using the necessary punctuation marks. Use the given information to form the entries.
1.1 Publisher: Drofa
Number of pages: 450
Series: Vuzovskiy uchebnik
Authors: Krasilnikov S., Ivanov S.
Title: Inzhenernaya grafika
Year of publication: 2014
Place of publication: Moscow
1.2 Authors: A.V. Burdanov, Yu.T. Koshkarov, L.D. Primakov, G.T. Yushkevich
Publisher: OOO "Amadey"
Published in Moscow
Title: Psikhologiya lichnosti, uchebnoe posobie
Year of publication: 2017
3rd edition
268 pages
2. In accordance with...


1.1 Krasilnikov S., Ivanov S. Inzhenernaya grafika. Москва: Дрофа, 2014. - 450 с. (Серия: Вузовский учебник).

1.2 Бурданов A.В., Кошкаров Ю.Т., Примаков L.D., Юшкевич G.T. Психология личности, учебное пособие. Москва: ООО "Амадей", 2017. - 3-е издание, 268 с.
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