1) Rearrange the words in columns A and B and then use the collocations in their correct forms to complete

1) Rearrange the words in columns A and B and then use the collocations in their correct forms to complete the sentences given below.

A: 1) accomplished 2) advantage 3) captured 4) contribute 5) establish 6) record 7) tame
B: a) earthquake tremors b) my attention c) untamed horses d) a decoration committee e) for your magazine f) recognition g) the farmers" harvest

1. Marie and Pierre Curie are widely recognized _______.
2. The dry soil and the plants" need for water will _______.
3. The peculiar title of the film caught my attention, so I decided to watch it on Saturday.
4. It is a privilege to be invited to _______; I will definitely accept the invitation.
5. The school authorities are responsible for _______.


1. Marie and Pierre Curie are widely recognized for their accomplishments in the field of science. (Мари и Пьер Кюри широко признаны за свои достижения в области науки.)

2. The dry soil and the plants" need for water will contribute to the farmers" harvest. (Сухая почва и потребность растений в воде послужат урожаю фермеров.)

3. The peculiar title of the film caught my attention, so I decided to watch it on Saturday. (Странный заголовок фильма привлек мое внимание, поэтому я решил(а) посмотреть его в субботу.)

4. It is essential to establish an organized decoration committee for your magazine. (Важно создать организованный комитет по оформлению для вашего журнала.)

5. The earthquake tremors captured everyone"s attention and caused panic in the city. (Тряска от землетрясения привлекла внимание всех и вызвала панику в городе.)

6. The team broke the previous record and set a new one in the 100-meter sprint. (Команда побила предыдущий рекорд и установила новый в беге на 100 метров.)

7. It took a lot of effort and patience to tame the wild and untamed horses. (Пришлось приложить много усилий и терпения, чтобы приручить диких и неукротимых лошадей.)
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