1 It might snow tomorrow. 2 You might meet someone interesting at the party. 3 I might phone Frank later. 4 She might

1 It might snow tomorrow.
2 You might meet someone interesting at the party.
3 I might phone Frank later.
4 She might not pass the exam.
5 Tony"s parents might buy him a bike.
6 We might not go out tonight.

2 Complete the sentences with used to, didn"t use to, or Did ... use to.
Example: Nigel used to work in York but now he works in Cardiff.

1 Sarah didn"t use to like spicy food, but now she enjoys it.
2 Did you use to play the piano when you were younger?
3 Mark used to live in London, but now he lives in Paris.
4 Lisa didn"t use to be a morning person, but now she wakes up early.
5 Did they use to go on vacation every summer when they were kids?
6 We used to watch that TV show, but now we don"t have time for it.


Alice didn"t use to be afraid of heights, but now she is terrified of them.
6 Did you use to visit your grandparents often when you were a child?
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