1. Invent word pairings. A. 1. inherent a) provisions 2. worldwide b) occurrences 3. healthcare c) catastrophes

1. Invent word pairings. A. 1. inherent a) provisions 2. worldwide b) occurrences 3. healthcare c) catastrophes 4. at risk d) initiatives 5. philanthropic e) climate change 6. juvenile f) exploitation 7. preservation 9) species 1. to erect 2. to be afflicted with 3. to strain 4. to rotate 5. to clear out 6. to create 7. to collect a) a forearm b) a reservoir c) a contribution d) banners e) funds f) an ailment g) a foot


Sure! Here are the word pairings and their corresponding meanings:

1. inherent (врожденный) - a) provisions (постановления)
Explanation: "Inherent" refers to something that is a natural or essential part of something else. "Provisions" are rules or regulations that are established to provide guidance or support.

2. worldwide (по всему миру) - b) occurrences (случаи)
Explanation: "Worldwide" means happening or existing all over the world. "Occurrences" refer to events or incidents that take place.

3. healthcare (здравоохранение) - c) catastrophes (катастрофы)
Explanation: "Healthcare" refers to the provision of medical services and treatment. "Catastrophes" are major disasters or tragic events.

4. at risk (находиться в опасности) - d) initiatives (инициативы)
Explanation: "At risk" means being in a vulnerable or dangerous position. "Initiatives" are plans or actions taken to address a specific issue or promote change.

5. philanthropic (благотворительный) - e) climate change (изменение климата)
Explanation: "Philanthropic" refers to acts or organizations that promote the welfare of others. "Climate change" refers to long-term shifts in weather patterns and temperatures.

6. juvenile (молодежный) - f) exploitation (эксплуатация)
Explanation: "Juvenile" refers to young or immature individuals. "Exploitation" means the unfair treatment or use of someone or something for personal gain.

7. preservation (сохранение) - g) species (виды)
Explanation: "Preservation" refers to the protection or conservation of something. "Species" refers to a group of organisms with similar characteristics that can interbreed.

Now let"s move on to the second set of word pairings:

1. to erect (строить) - a) a forearm (предплечье)
Explanation: "To erect" means to construct or build something. "A forearm" refers to the part of the arm between the elbow and the wrist.

2. to be afflicted with (страдать от) - b) a reservoir (резервуар)
Explanation: "To be afflicted with" means to suffer from or be affected by something. "A reservoir" is a large artificial or natural lake used for storing water.

3. to strain (напрягать) - c) a contribution (вклад)
Explanation: "To strain" means to exert excessive effort or force. "A contribution" refers to giving or donating something to a cause or project.

4. to rotate (вращаться) - d) banners (баннеры)
Explanation: "To rotate" means to spin or turn in a circular motion. "Banners" are long pieces of cloth or material with a design or message displayed on them.

5. to clear out (убирать) - e) funds (фонды)
Explanation: "To clear out" means to remove or tidy up items from a space. "Funds" refer to money or financial resources.

6. to create (создавать) - f) an ailment (недомогание)
Explanation: "To create" means to bring something into existence. "An ailment" refers to a minor illness or health condition.

7. to collect (собирать) - g) a foot (нога)
Explanation: "To collect" means to gather or assemble things. "A foot" refers to the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle.

I hope this detailed explanation helps you understand the word pairings better. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!
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