1. Help Alice and her sister. Help them. 2. Let s look for the dog in the garden. Let s look for it. 3. Can you feed

1. Help Alice and her sister. Help them.
2. Let"s look for the dog in the garden. Let"s look for it.
3. Can you feed the ducks, please? Can you feed them?
4. Make a sandwich for Max. Make it.
5. Wait for my sister and me. Wait for us.
6. Invite Susan to your party. Invite her.
7. Can I help your brother and you? Can I help you two?


1. Alice and her sister need help. To help them, you can offer your assistance and support. For example, you could ask them what they need help with, listen attentively to their explanations, and ask any necessary clarifying questions. Once you fully understand the problem, you can provide them with step-by-step guidance or solutions. Additionally, you can offer encouragement and reassurance throughout the process to ensure they feel supported and confident in their abilities.

2. We want to find the dog in the garden. To search for it, we should systematically explore different areas of the garden while keeping a keen eye out for any signs or sounds of the dog. We can start by dividing the garden into smaller sections and searching them one by one. We should check behind trees, under bushes, and near any favorite spots the dog might have. While searching, we can also call out the dog"s name and use a friendly tone to attract its attention.

3. You kindly ask me to feed the ducks. To feed them, we will need some suitable food, such as bread crumbs or grains. When feeding the ducks, it is important to do so in a safe and controlled manner. We can start by finding a suitable location near the ducks where they can easily access the food. We should scatter the food in a way that allows each duck to have a fair chance of getting some. It is also important to be cautious and approachable while feeding them, as ducks can sometimes be hesitant around unfamiliar people.

4. Max needs a sandwich, and we can make it for him. First, we need to gather the necessary ingredients, such as bread, meat, cheese, and any desired vegetables or condiments. We can start by spreading butter or mayonnaise on the bread to add flavor and prevent it from becoming too dry. Next, we can layer the meat, cheese, and vegetables on the bread to create a delicious sandwich. Finally, we can cut it into halves or quarters, depending on Max"s preference, and serve it to him.

5. You want me to wait for your sister and you. To wait for both of you, we can find a suitable location where we can relax and pass the time. It could be a park bench, a café, or any other comfortable spot. While waiting, we can engage in activities such as reading, chatting, or simply enjoying the surroundings. It"s essential to be patient and understanding, as delays can sometimes occur. Once your sister and you arrive, we can continue with our planned activities together.

6. I suggest inviting Susan to your party. To invite her, we can start by finding a suitable time to communicate with her. We can send her an invitation via text, email, or even a phone call. In the invitation, it is important to be polite and clear about the details of the party, such as the date, time, and location. Additionally, we can express how much we would like Susan to join us and how her presence would contribute to the enjoyment of the event.

7. You are wondering if you can help my brother and me. To help both of us, you can offer your assistance with any specific tasks or activities we may need help with. It is important to be open-minded and willing to listen to our requests. By actively participating and following any instructions or guidance we provide, you can effectively contribute to our progress. Cooperation and communication are key in providing assistance and ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.
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