1. Helen informed us that the kids were playing in the garden. 2. The news reporter stated that the burglars had broken

1. Helen informed us that the kids were playing in the garden.
2. The news reporter stated that the burglars had broken into the museum the previous night.
3. Megan mentioned that they would be having a housewarming party the following week.
4. My friend requested that I explain how to solve this problem.
5. The man reassured Ann not to be afraid of his dog.


страхаться. Ответ: 1. Helen shared with us that the kids were playing in the garden. Она сообщила нам, что дети играли в саду. 2. The news reporter confirmed that the burglars had broken into the museum the previous night. Репортер подтвердил, что грабители проникли в музей прошлой ночью. 3. Megan informed us that they would be having a housewarming party the following week. Меган сообщила нам, что они устроят здесь поселковую вечеринку на следующей неделе. 4. My friend asked me to explain how to solve this problem. Мой друг попросил меня объяснить, как решить эту задачу. 5. The man reassured Ann not to be afraid. Мужчина успокоил Энн, сказав ей не бояться.
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