1. Have you been in Rome so far? 2. He hasn t called us recently. 3. I ve had this car for a year. 4. He has already

1. Have you been in Rome so far?
2. He hasn"t called us recently.
3. I"ve had this car for a year.
4. He has already left.
5. She has just typed three letters.
6. She has just now cooked dinner.
7. The boss came a short while ago.
8. How long ago did he move house?
9. Carol has been to the cinema twice this week.
10. How long have you studied Maths since 1991?
11. Peter has been here since 5 o"clock.


1. No, I haven"t been to Rome so far. (Нет, я до сих пор не был в Риме.)

2. Нет, он недавно не звонил нам. (No, he hasn"t called us recently.)

3. У меня есть этот автомобиль уже год. (I"ve had this car for a year.)

4. Он уже ушел. (He has already left.)

5. Она только что набрала три письма. (She has just typed three letters.)

6. Она только что приготовила ужин прямо сейчас. (She has just now cooked dinner.)

7. Босс пришел недавно. (The boss came a short while ago.)

8. Когда он переехал в новый дом? (How long ago did he move house?)

9. Кэрол уже дважды была в кино на этой неделе. (Carol has been to the cinema twice this week.)

10. Сколько времени вы изучаете математику с 1991 года? (How long have you studied Math since 1991?)

11. Питер здесь с пяти часов. (Peter has been here since 5 o"clock.)
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