1. Gary admitted to breaking the window. Gary confessed to breaking the window. 2. Anne offered to take care of your

1. Gary admitted to breaking the window. Gary confessed to breaking the window.
2. Anne offered to take care of your dog. Anne volunteered to look after your dog.
3. Alice expressed her dislike for traveling by bus. Alice complained about having to travel by bus.
4. The boss gave a deadline of 5 o"clock for completing the reports. The boss demanded that the reports be finished by 5 o"clock.
5. My father advised me not to come home late, but I didn"t listen. My father warned me against coming home late, but I didn"t pay attention.
6. The professor permitted everyone to go home early. The professor allowed everyone an early departure.
7. The coach instructed the players not to let the ball


6. Профессор позволил всем уйти домой раньше.
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