1. Complete: existence, elevate, exhibit, procession, toss, create, swap 2. Fill out: living, increase, showcase

1. Complete: existence, elevate, exhibit, procession, toss, create, swap
2. Fill out: living, increase, showcase, march, hurl, produce, trade


1. Complete the given words with the appropriate verb forms:
- existence (существование)
- elevate (поднимать)
- exhibit (выставлять)
- procession (процессия)
- toss (бросать)
- create (создавать)
- swap (обмениваться)

Explanation and step-by-step solution:
- existence (noun) - You can use the verb "to exist" to complete the word. "Existence" refers to the state of being or the fact of existing. For example, "The existence of dinosaurs is proven by fossil evidence."
- elevate (verb) - The base form of the verb is "to elevate." It means to lift something or someone to a higher position. For example, "She used a ladder to elevate herself and reach the top shelf."
- exhibit (verb) - The base form of the verb is "to exhibit." It means to display or show something publicly or in an organized manner. For example, "The museum will exhibit rare artifacts from ancient civilizations."
- procession (noun) - There is no verb form for "procession" in this context. It refers to a line or sequence of people or vehicles moving forward in a ceremonial or organized manner. For example, "The wedding procession walked down the aisle."
- toss (verb) - The base form of the verb is "to toss." It means to throw something lightly or with a quick motion. For example, "He tossed the ball to his friend."
- create (verb) - The base form of the verb is "to create." It means to bring something into existence or to make something new. For example, "The artist used her creativity to create a beautiful painting."
- swap (verb) - The base form of the verb is "to swap." It means to exchange or trade something with someone else. For example, "I will swap my sandwich for your apple."

2. Fill out the given words with the appropriate verb forms:
- living (живущий)
- increase (увеличивать)
- showcase (представлять)
- march (маршировать)
- hurl (бросать с силой)
- produce (производить)
- trade (торговать)

Explanation and step-by-step solution:
- living (adjective) - There is no verb form for "living" in this context. It describes something or someone that is alive. For example, "The living organisms in the pond include fish, frogs, and insects."
- increase (verb) - The base form of the verb is "to increase." It means to make something larger in quantity, size, or degree. For example, "Regular exercise can increase your overall fitness level."
- showcase (verb) - The base form of the verb is "to showcase." It means to display, highlight or present something in an impressive or prominent way. For example, "The fashion show will showcase the latest trends in clothing."
- march (verb) - The base form of the verb is "to march." It means to walk in a steady, rhythmic manner, especially in a group or as part of a parade or demonstration. For example, "The soldiers marched in formation."
- hurl (verb) - The base form of the verb is "to hurl." It means to throw or propel something with force or violence. For example, "He angrily hurled the book across the room."
- produce (verb) - The base form of the verb is "to produce." It means to make, create, or bring forth something, especially through effort or skill. For example, "The factory produces thousands of cars each month."
- trade (verb) - The base form of the verb is "to trade." It means to exchange goods, services, or commodities with others. For example, "Countries often trade resources to meet their needs."

I hope this explanation helps you understand the words and their suitable verb forms.
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