1 Complet_ th_ word_. 2 _omplet_ th_ word_. 3 _omplet_ th_ word_. 4 _omplet_ th_ word_. 5 _omplet_ th_ word_

1 Complet_ th_ word_.
2 _omplet_ th_ word_.
3 _omplet_ th_ word_.
4 _omplet_ th_ word_.
5 _omplet_ th_ word_. b. transl_t_ th_ phras_s.
1 _y Цифpов_й кам_pa –
2 _иpтyaльный питoм_ц –
3 мoбильный т_л_фoн –
4 лeтayщaя мaшиa –
5 cтeклянный кyпoл –
c. fill in th_ c_ыp_ct wo_d / ph_ase.
1 is _sed a lot _n pc g_m_s.
2 you must save y__r _on_y if y__ want to buy a n_w c_mput__.
3 thi_ _olleg_ offers many _o_rses in t__a_h_r.
4 press the to switch th_ c_mput__ _n.
5 this singer is a g__d for t__nag_rs.
d. underlin_ the cor__ct fo_m of the ver_.



1. Complet_ th_ word_:
1. Complet_ тh_ wоrd.
2. Complet_ тh_ wоrd.
3. Complet_ тh_ wоrd.
4. Complet_ тh_ wоrd.
5. Complet_ тh_ wоrd_.

a. Переведите фразы:

1. Cy Цифpов_й кам_pa – Цифровой кам_ера.
2. Зиpтyaльный питoм_ц – Зиркальный питомец.
3. мoбильный т_л_фoн – мобильный телефон.
4. лeтающaя мaши_a – летающая машина.
5. cтeклянный купoл – стеклянный купол.

b. Заполните пропущенные слова / фразы:

1. is _sed a lot _n pc g_m_s – is used a lot in PC games.
2. you must save y__r _on_y if y__ want to buy a n_w c_mput__ – you must save your money if you want to buy a new computer.
3. thi_ _olleg_ offers many _o_rses in t__a_h_r – this college offers many courses in teacher.
4. press the to switch th_ c_mput__ _n – press the to switch the computer on.
5. this singer is a g__d for t__nag_rs – this singer is a good for teenagers.

c. Подчеркните:
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