1. Can you envision a future where you no longer have to make pit stops at petrol stations for refueling? 2. How

1. Can you envision a future where you no longer have to make pit stops at petrol stations for refueling?
2. How can we develop cars that don"t harm the environment, according to Dr. Stephen Green from Cars of the Future International?
3. What are the alternative sources of power used in these environmentally friendly cars designed and tested by scientists worldwide?
4. Can you elaborate on the usage of solar energy as one of these alternative sources in these cars?
5. In addition to solar power, what other alternative sources of energy are being utilized in these cars?
6. Are these environmentally friendly cars affordable or are they considered luxury items?
7. What were the findings or outcomes of the research on the solar car that was showcased at the conference in Tokyo last year?


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